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What is the difference between C, C++ and Java?

Last updated on Sep 30,2021 54.8K Views

Aayushi Johari
A technophile who likes writing about different technologies and spreading knowledge. A technophile who likes writing about different technologies and spreading knowledge.
8 / 11 Blog from Introduction to Java

Software development has seen transition like any domain out there. This has also resulted in the evolution of programming languages. C, C++, and Java are three languages that have defined programming paradigms with time and yet hold great value in the market. In this article, I will be comparing the differences between C, C++ and Java so you can choose one or more for a probable career or a certification.

Differences between C, C++ and Java


Programming Paradigm

Procedural language

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

Pure Object Oriented Oriented


Based on assembly language

Based on C language

Based on C and C++


Dennis Ritchie in 1972

Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979

James Gosling in 1991


Compiler only

Compiler only

Interpreted language (Compiler + interpreter)

Platform Dependency

Platform Dependent

Platform Dependent

Platform Independent

Code execution



Executed by JVM (Java Virtual Machine)


Top-down approach

Bottom-up approach

Bottom-up approach

File generation

.exe files

.exe files

.class files

Pre-processor directives

Support header files (#include, #define)

Supported (#header, #define)

Use Packages (import)


Support 32 keywords

Supports 63 keywords

50 defined keywords

Datatypes (union, structure)



Not supported


No inheritance


Supported except Multiple inheritance


No overloading

Support Function overloading (Polymorphism)

Operator overloading is not supported




Not supported


Use malloc, calloc

Use new, delete

Garbage collector

Exception Handling

Not supported




Not supported


Not supported


No constructor neither destructor


Not supported

Multithreading/ Interfaces

Not supported

Not supported


Database connectivity

Not supported

Not supported


Storage Classes

Supported ( auto, extern )

Supported ( auto, extern )

Not supported

That’s all with the differences between C, C++, and Java. I hope you are clear with the basic concepts of these wonderful programming languages and helped you in adding value to your knowledge.

Next up, let’ us take a look at some sample program to display the differences between C, C++ and Java.

Sample Program in C, C++ and Java


Hello Word Program in C

#include<stdio.h> //header file for standard input output

main() //main method
clrscr(); //clears screen
printf(“hello world”); //print statement
getch(); //get the character

Explanation: In the above code, you use header file <stdio.h> for standard input output to implement commands like printf and getch.

Hello World Program in C++

#include<iostream.h> // header file for input output
main() // header file for console inout output
clrscr(); // clears screen
cout<<”hello world”; //print statement
getch(); // get the character

Explanation: In C++, instead you use header file <iostream.h>, <conio.h> for input output and console input output so that you can implement commands like cout and cin. It is similar to printf and scanf in C programming language.

Hello World Program in Java

class edureka // create class
public static void main(String args[]) //main method
System.out.print(“welcome”); //print statement

Explanation: In Java, you make use of classes and objects as it is a pure Object-oriented programming language. You call the main function as it is the entry point to your code.

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What is the difference between C, C++ and Java?